Play D&D at SGCC 2024

Back for more fun!

It’s been a long year… and what better way to cap it all off with good ol’ Dungeons and Dragons!

Whether you’re achin’ to meet your old friends and frenemies on one more adventure, or a fresh adventurer looking to learn the ropes, we’ve got lots in store for you.

2024 also marks the arrival of a fresh edition of the Players’ Handbook, full of small (and not-so-small) tweaks and improvements to the game. What does this shiney new edition have in store for the game? Why don’t you drop in and find out!


Date: 7 – 8 December 2024

Time: 10am – 8pm

Location: Sands Expo & Convention Centre B2

We've got...

Learn to Play Sessions

New to D&D, or have friends that are interested to try it out? We are running bite-sized D&D encounters to give new players a chance to wet their feet! Returning players hoping to take some new 2024 pregens for a test-run are also welcome.

Table Fee: $12/player

Adventurers League Epics

Work together to save the day! These unique events require the cooperation of multiple tables worth of adventurers league characters. On the slate this year:


The Burning of Aglarond (T2-T3)

The Red Wizards are at it again! The Zulkir of Illusion’s set eyes on a curious meteor that’s landed in the Yuirwood. Thayan machinations unfold in the nation of Aglarond, and it’s up to you to stop them!

A four hour Epic adventure for characters of Tier 2 and Tier 3.



Corruption in Kryptgarden (T1)

The Cult of the Dragon has secured a stronghold deep within the Kryptgarden Forest, a place long-feared by travellers. What could they be planning? The five factions need you to find out!

A four hour Epic adventure for characters of Tier 1.


Table Fee: $18/player

Adventurers League Trading Post

The trading post is back with a refreshed inventory. Trade in your Adventurers League magic items for unique and powerful ones at the Trading Post.

This year we have a few trading post-only exclusives in stock! Enlist the fearsome and delicious black pudding cup as a familiar, and just what does this green wizard’s hat do?

You can find the rules (and inventory) of the trading post in the Trading Post Player’s Guide.

Get the 2024 Player's Handbook and More

Get your hands on the brand new 2024 edition of the Player’s Handbook! Gamersaurus Rex will be stocking both the regular and alt cover versions of the new book, on top of a collection of other D&D books and merchandise.

Sign me up!

Convention Passes

We reccomend those intending to play purchase participant passes. These will be available from Gamersaurus Rex at $35.

Not only is this discounted from the regular ticket price, these passes will let you skip the entry queue. You don’t want to be late just cause you forgot to factor in the queuing time!


Register for the epics via Warhorn here.

No pre-registration is required for learn to play sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

D&D 2024

What's D&D 2024?

A set of new and improved rules for Fifth Edition D&D. Wizards of the Coast is doing a staggered release of the 2024 Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual, but only the new Player’s Handbook will be available at SGCC.

The new Player’s Handbook contains updated rules: classes, equipment, spells, among many other improvements.

The 2024 rules have been written to be mostly-compatible with other official fifth edition rules.

For example, your old subclasses, feats, and magic items should function with the new classes with minimal friction.

In the Adventurers League, we are expected to use the newest version of anything that has been updated, but may use options and features from older books if they have not been updated.

All Adventurers League characters will need to be converted to the 2024 rules within 60 days of each book’s release. As our two Adventurers League epics fall outside this range, you will need to convert your characters to use the new Player’s Handbook rules.

You are encouraged but not required to use the updated Dungeon Master’s Guide rules (mainly for your magic items) for the epic if you have access to them.

You can find out more about converting your Adventurers League characters from their article here.

You may use whatever rules you like for your non-Adventurers League games.

Basic information for converting Adventurers League characters is available in their official article.

If you still have questions, please feel free to join our discord server and ask away in the #2014-to-2024 channel. We’ve got a ton of experienced players ready to help!


Can I choose my table?

Tables will be allocated at the event itself. If you’re attending with friends and want to play together, please inform our counter staff during check in.

This is an Adventurers League epic adventure. You will need to have a valid Adventurers League character built using the rules in the Adventurers Rules Player’s Guide.

The Adventurers League is an organized play system which allows characters to be brought from table-to-table. You may learn more here.

You may find the latest version of the Adventurers League Player’s Guide (v14.2) here.

In the Adventurers League, you may choose to start characters at level 1 or level 5. This means it would be possible for you to join the tier 1 (level 1-4) or tier 2 tables (level 5-10) without any participating in prior Adventurers League games. However, prior experience with D&D is recommended.

Some artwork © 2020 Vagelio Kaliva, used with permission. All rights reserved.

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